Instead of buying an expensive 2x 72 grinder. Convert your existing 4 inch belt sander and modify it so it can grind knife bevels. A very affordable solution.
Tilt Table knife bevel grinding jig or work rest. This table allows the novice knife maker to grind great bevels
A very simple easy to make bevel plunge Jig
When making knives, grinding the bevels is often the hardest part of the build. On this page you will find a variety of grinder and bevel Jig information that should make knife bevel grinding much easier.
The Mastersmith Pro bevel grinding jig is a unique system that allows knife makers to produce straight bevels. This system is great for knife makers that make medium to large runs of each style blade
Using a 10 inch contact wheel to create beautiful hollow grinds
One option for many knife makers is to make there own DIY 2x72 belt sander
This video shows how a knife can be made and bevels ground without a belt sander. This entire blade was beveled with a angle grinder.
The importance of a good bevel edge scribe is often overlooked. This inexpensive little devise can improve the quality of bevel grinds
A very simple easy DIY bevel grinding Jig
To purchase Click Here for details
DIY Easy Crafts
Complete Online Guide to Knife Making
Knife Bevels
Check out this short video which details how easy it is for beginner and novice knife makers to grind beautiful bevels with the NEW Tilt Table bevel grinding tool rest.
A good 2x72 belt sander or grinder is the backbone of most knife making shops. This video is a product review of the Oregon Blade Maker 2x72 grinder. A very affordable machine with great performance
Introduction to Knifemaking
The Beginner's Guide to Making Knives
By Dan Berg and Jason Northgard
Knife bevel grinding made easy with the New Tilt Table Bevel Jig. CLICK HERE for details or to purchase.